
    KVK Kargil-ll Zanskar conducts 2-day training program on natural farming

    Publish Date: November 28, 2022

    Kargil, Nov 26, 2022: KVK Kargil-ll Zanskar conducted a two-day training-cum-awareness program on natural farming on November 23 and 24 for farmers.
    Many farmers from different villages like Ubarak, Stara, Karsha, Padum, etc. attend the training program which was attended by around 100 farmers.
    Head KVK Zanskar Dr. F.A. Shah Khan delivered a lecture on the importance of natural farming. The awareness program was aimed to inform farmers about organic farming and explain its importance to preserve the ecology and eco-friendly agriculture.
    Dr. Shabir Hussain (SMS), Fruit Science and Tashi Dawa, Technical Assistant also spoke on the occasion. All the staff members of KVK Zanskar were present during the occasion.
    In the end, the village members, Lambardars, and farmers thanked the KVK Kargil-II Zanskar for organizing such a program.